- Bajrangasana
- Kukkutasana
- Omkarasana
- Garbhasana
- Titibhasana
- Kurmasana
- Vakasana
- Parvatasana
- Mayurasana
- Padmasana
- Sidhasana
- Swastikasana
- Shirshasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Uttanpadasana
- Ardha-halasana
- Sarvangasana
- Matsyasana
- Halasana
- Kandhrasana
- Setubandhasana
- Naukasana
- Chakrasana
- Alambasana
- Bhujangasana
- Shalbhasana
- Dhanurasana
- Khagasana
- Dandasana
- Janushirasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Vakrasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Vajrasana
- Supta Vajrasana
- Ustrasana
- Yogamudrasana
- Shashankasana
- Baddh Padmasan
- Gomukhasana
- Aakarnadhanurasana
- Bhadrasana
- Vibhakta Paschimotanasana

Sit with legs extended. Fold the right leg at knee and place it near the hip. Same do with the left leg. Folding it at knee, place near the hip. Get the big toes together. Keep the knees together, and place the palms on them. Keep the spine and waist erect. Eyes can be closed. Stay tune in this pose for a while.
Coming back to the starting point extend the left leg first then the right leg. Put the hands on the sides. Before starting again take rest for sometime.
This is the only asana that can be practice even after the meals. If you practice this asana after the meals for 15 min regularly, the capacity of digestion is increased. This is a meditative posture, so the Pranayama and Aswani Mudra can be easily done.
Start with one round then increase it for three rounds, timings from one min. to three mins.
Piles sufferers avoid this asana.