Omprakash Ji


Lie down straight on your stomach on mat in such a way that heels and toes should touch each other. Join the elbows of both the hands, when elbows will touch each other chin will go up. You can see up also and if you want to close your eyes you can do it. while raising neck and inhale.After some time when you want to exhale then slowly you can do it. After taking rest for some time, while inhaling do it again.



This asana is very good for cervical spondolities. It makes muscles of elbows and hands strong. From this asana one gets relieved from backache and spine related problems.



In the beginning do it once only and slowly you can increase up to three times a day.  In the beginning you can do up to 1 min then it can be increased up to 7 minutes.



Cervical patients should do it very slowly. Don’t do with sudden jerk. Do it as per stamina. First day don’t over do if first day you do it for more time and if you are stretching neck more, there can be strain in muscles.