- Bajrangasana
- Kukkutasana
- Omkarasana
- Garbhasana
- Titibhasana
- Kurmasana
- Vakasana
- Parvatasana
- Mayurasana
- Padmasana
- Sidhasana
- Swastikasana
- Shirshasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Uttanpadasana
- Ardha-halasana
- Sarvangasana
- Matsyasana
- Halasana
- Kandhrasana
- Setubandhasana
- Naukasana
- Chakrasana
- Alambasana
- Bhujangasana
- Shalbhasana
- Dhanurasana
- Khagasana
- Dandasana
- Janushirasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Vakrasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Vajrasana
- Supta Vajrasana
- Ustrasana
- Yogamudrasana
- Shashankasana
- Baddh Padmasan
- Gomukhasana
- Aakarnadhanurasana
- Bhadrasana
- Vibhakta Paschimotanasana

Lie down straight on your back with legs together, heels and toes should touch each other. Hands should be along waist facing palms downwards. Neck should be straight. Now while giving pressure on ground inhale and raise your legs to 30º then 60º and finally to 90º and stay in this position for some time and now turn your feet to the back at an angle of 120º, then 150º and finally to 180º . Now try to touch your feet to the ground from back. There will be stretch in your waist both the thighs will be on your head. Fold both the hands on your head. This is the complete position of Halasna if you want to breathe you can breathe slowly. After that breathe normally. Stay in this asana for some time. After some time release this asana. While returning repeat the same process by keeping the hands on floor taking support of your head, lift leg up to 150º, then 120º and bring waist on ground and legs should make an angle of 90º and take rest. After resting for sometime, make an angle of 60º then 30º and slowly place your legs on ground. Now take rest in savasana for some time. This completes one cycle.
It is very beneficial for stomach organs especially liver and kidneys . It removes extra fat from stomach, makes spine flexible and gives strength to veins.when pressure comes on Pancreas. They get activated and secretion of insulin takes place so this asana is helpful in Diabetes. Don’t do this asana in pregnancy.
In first week do one cycle only and slowly increase up to three cycles. In the beginning do it for one minute and slowly increase up to 7 minutes.
Don’t bend your knees while lifting legs. Don’t lift legs by sudden jerk. If your feet are not touching ground from back do not force yourself. Do it conveniently as much as you can. By doing regularly, flexibility will come in your body automatically and feet will start touching the ground.