Yoga For Cervical & Frozen Shoulder
Cervical Spondylitis & Frozen Shoulder are very common diseases nowadays. These disease occurs mainly due to our lifestyle. To get rid of these diseases one must do particular exercises for it.

Pose 1
Move your neck towards back and now rotate it in semi-circular motion. Do this exercise for 2 minutes.

Pose 2
While inhaling, move your neck towards right. Hold your breath for some time. While exhaling, bring your neck to its position. Similarly do exhaling from other side also. Repeat this exercise for 8-10 times.

Pose 3
While inhaling, keep your neck to the right shoulder. Hold your breath for some time and while exhaling, bring your neck to the original position. Similarly, While inhaling, keep your neck to the left shoulder. Hold your breath for some time and while exhaling, bring your neck to the original position.

Pose 4
Keep both the hands sideways. Move your shoulders from back to front. After doing this for 8-10 times, move yours shoulders in opposite direction i.e. from front to back.

Pose 5
Keep your hands down and while inhaling, move your shoulders up and while inhaling bring it down. Do it 8-10 times.

Pose 6
Keep both the hands aligned to shoulders. Bend your fingers slowly and then stretch it. Now fold your thumbs and make fist and then open it. Repeat it 8-10 times.

Pose 7
Now fold the thumbs of your hands and make fist keeping them aligned with shoulders. Rotate your fists 8-10 times in both the direction.

Pose 8
Fold both the hands. Keep them on respective shoulders. While touching both elbows touching in front of the chest, rotate them in such a way that it forms a big circle. Do this exercise in opposite direction also. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.

Pose 9
Hold both the wrists with opposite hands. Lift them. While inhaling, pull the left hand with right hand towards right side behind the head. Neck should be still. While exhaling, lift the hands upwards. Similarly, do this exercise from other side also. Repeat it 8-10 times.

Pose 10
Interlock the fingers of both the hands. While inhaling, press them together against rear of the head exerting pressure against each other. Now while exhaling, touch both the elbows in front of you. While coming to its own position, inhale and stretch your elbows. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.

Pose 11
Keep both your hands under your chin. Press with hands in upward direction & put pressure on hands from chin in downward direction.

Pose 12
While inhaling, keep both the palms on your forehead in such a way that both exert pressure on each other. While exhaling, bring hands to your position.

Pose 13
Stretch right hand sideways. While inhaling, keep your palm on cheek so that both exewrt pressure on each other. Now do exhaling. Similarly do this with other hand also. Repeat this 8-10 times.

Pose 14
Stretch both hands sideways aligned with shoulders. Fold your thumb and make fist. While inhaling, pull your shoulders inward like a spring and while exhaling push it outward.