Lie down on your stomach in Makarasana position. Now ready to take the position of Dhanurasana. Keep both legs together. Heels and toes should be touching. Toes should be pointed backwards. Keep both the hands sideways. First of all fold your knees from back and try to touch heels to the hips. Hold your feet with both hands. While inhaling lift legs from back and then lift your face and then chest from front. See in upward direction and be in this asana for sometime. If you want to exhale you can do then breathe in a normal way. After staying in this asana for sometime come to the position of Makarasana. Take rest in makarasana for some time. Repeat the cycle of Dhanurasana again. Now leave the asana and rest in Makarasana.
It is beneficial in acidity. Liver becomes strong. The extra fat accumulated burns off from the body and especially from stomach. Muscles of waist shoulders & knees become stronger. Shifting of naval will not be there. Because there is stretch in spine so height also increases. Some people urinate out of fear, if they do practice of Dhanurasana they can get rid of this problem. This disease is due to low circulation of blood in suryachakra. Pancreas also don’t work properly. By Dhanurasana one can have control on these problems.
Start it from one cycle & slowly increase the number. First stay in 15 seconds then 30 seconds and finally you can do up to one minute.
Those who have backache problem they should not do this asana. Pregnant ladies also should not do this.